forks/DiligentFX / 8d0f1fe

Tree @8d0f1fe (Download .tar.gz)


DiligentFX is the Diligent Engine's high-level rendering framework.

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The framework implements the following components


See Apache 2.0 license.


To contribute your code, submit a Pull Request to this repository. Diligent Engine is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license that guarantees that code in the DiligentFX repository is free of Intellectual Property encumbrances. In submitting code to this repository, you are agreeing that the code is free of any Intellectual Property claims.

Diligent Engine uses clang-format to ensure consistent source code style throught the code base. The format is validated by appveyor and travis for each commit and pull request, and the build will fail if any code formatting issue is found. Please refer to this page for instructions on how to set up clang-format and automatic code formatting.

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