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RISC-V full size Instructions Formats (32bit):

.. contents::

R-format: op(rs1, rs2) -> rd

``opcode[7] rd[5] funct3[3] rs1[5] rs2[5] funct7[7]``

OPR - register arithmetic/logic
opcode: 0b0110011 / 0x33

====== ====== =========
funct7 funct3 operation
====== ====== =========
0x0    0x0    ADD
0x20   0x0    SUB
0x0    0x1    SLL
0x0    0x2    SLT
0x0    0x3    SLTU
0x0    0x4    XOR
0x0    0x5    SRL
0x20   0x5    SRA
0x0    0x6    OR
0x0    0x7    AND
====== ====== =========

I-Format: op(rs1, imm12) -> rd

``opcode[7] rd[5] funct3[3] rs1[5] imm[12]``

LOAD - read memory
opcode: 0b0000011 / 0x03

-  rs1: base address
-  imm12: offset (scaled/signed by funct3)

====== ========= ===
funct3 operation 
====== ========= ===
0x0    LB        i8
0x1    LH        i16
0x2    LW        i32
0x4    LBU       u8
0x5    LHU       u16
====== ========= ===

OPI - immediate arhitmetic/logic
opcode: 0b0010011 / 0x13

-  rs1: base address
-  imm12: offset (scaled/signed by funct3)

====== ========= ============================
funct3 operation 
====== ========= ============================
0x0    ADDI      
0x2    SLTI      
0x3    SLTIU     
0x4    XORI      
0x6    ORI       
0x7    ANDI      
0x1    SLLI      imm12 = 0b0000000 , shamt[5]
0x5    SRLI      imm12 = 0b0000000 , shamt[5]
0x5    SRAI      imm12 = 0b0100000 , shamt[5]
====== ========= ============================

JALR - jump relative to register
opcode = 0b1100111 / 0x67

-  rs1: base address
-  imm12: offset (bytes)
-  save PC+4 in rd
-  jump to offset

S-format: op(rs1, rs2, imm12)

``opcode[7] imm4:0[5] funct3[3] rs1[5] rs2[5] imm11:5[7]``

STORE - write memory
opcode: 0b0100011 / 0x23

-  rs1: base address
-  rs2: data
-  imm12: offset (scaled/signed by funct3)

====== ========= ========================
funct3 operation 
====== ========= ========================
0x0    SB        i8, imm12 in bytes
0x1    SH        i16, imm12 in half-words
0x2    SW        i32, imm13 in words
====== ========= ========================

B-format: op(rs1, rs2, imm12/13)

``opcode[7] imm11[1] imm4:1[4] funct3[3] rs1[5] rs2[5] imm10:5[6] imm12[1]``

BRANCH - conditional jump
opcode = 0b1100011 / 0x63

-  rs1, rs2: registers to compare
-  imm12/13: PC offset in half-words

====== =========
funct3 operation
====== =========
0x0    BEQ
0x1    BNE
0x4    BLT
0x5    BGE
0x6    BLTU
0x7    BGEU
====== =========

U-Format: op(imm20/32) -> rd

``opcode[7] rd[5] imm31:12[20]`` upper-bit immediates (lui, auipc)

LUI - load upper immediate
opcode: 0b0110111 / 0x37

-  imm20: top 20 bits of rd
-  clears bottom 12 bits
-  combine lui + addi to load 32bit immediate NOTE: sign extension
   requires some trickery.

AUIPC - add upper immediate to PC
opcode: 0b0010111 / 0x17

-  imm20: top 20 bits of offset added to PC
-  result stored in rd

J-Format: op(imm20/21) -> rd

``opcode[7] rd[5] imm31:12[20]`` immediates on a 32bit scale (jal)

JAL - relative jump
opcode = 0b1101111 / 0x6f

-  save PC+4 in rd
-  imm20/21: PC offset in half-words