{ graphics: lg } = love
import vec2, bound2 from require 'cpml'
import is_once, is_live, are_live, Once from require 'state'
import Object from require 'object'
pushpop = (fn) ->
(...) ->
lg.push 'all'
with fn ...
random =
point: ->
w, h = lg.getDimensions!
vec2 w*math.random!, h*math.random!
size: ->
vec2 math.random! * 200 + 100, math.random! * 200 + 100
hit =
radius: (pos, r) ->
hit.radius2 pos, r*r
radius2: (pos, r2) ->
contains = (INPUT.mouse - pos)\len2! < r2
INPUT\mouse_event! or 'hover' if contains
line: (frm, to, r2=10) ->
delta = to - frm
mouse = INPUT.mouse - frm
dot = (mouse\dot delta) / delta\len2!
dot = math.min 1, math.max 0, dot
p = frm + delta * dot
hit.radius2 p, r2
rect: (min, max) ->
rect = bound2 min, max
contains = rect\contains INPUT.mouse
INPUT\mouse_event! or 'hover' if contains
draw =
cross: (pos) ->
hs = vec2 8, 8
mx, my = (pos - hs)\unpack!
Mx, My = (pos + hs)\unpack!
lg.line mx, my, Mx, My
lg.line mx, My, Mx, my
hit.radius2 pos, hs\len2!
line: (frm, to) ->
lg.line frm.x, frm.y, to.x, to.y
hit.line frm, to
arrow: (frm, to) ->
dir = (to - frm)\normalize!
up = dir\perpendicular!
draw.line to - dir * 15 + up * 7, to
draw.line to - dir * 15 - up * 7, to
draw.line frm, to
rect: (min, max) ->
x, y = min\unpack!
w, h = (max - min)\unpack!
lg.rectangle 'line', x, y, w, h
hit.rect min, max
circle: (center, r) ->
x, y = center\unpack!
lg.circle 'line', x, y, r
hit.radius2 center, r*r
half_handle = vec2 15, 15
input =
slider: (min=0, max=1) =>
@init min
origin = vec2 50, 50
length = 200
final = origin + vec2 length, 0
draw.line origin, final
if input.point @value, y: origin.y, x: Once min
val = math.max origin.x, math.min final.x, @value!.x
@value!.x = val
@set min + (val - origin.x) / length * max
return true
point: (fixed={}) =>
init = if val = is_once fixed
with random.point!
if x = is_once fixed.x
.x = x
if y = is_once fixed.y
.y = y
last = @init init
pos = last\clone!
live_x, live_y = (is_live fixed.x), is_live fixed.y
pos.x = fixed.x if live_x
pos.y = fixed.y if live_y
-- both values are 'live', no UI necessary
if live_x and live_y
draw.cross pos
@set pos
delta = pos - last
return delta\len2! > 0 and delta
-- handle size (square or rect)
hh = half_handle\clone!
hh.y /= 2 if live_x
hh.x /= 2 if live_y
if 'down' == draw.rect pos - hh, pos + hh
@drag\set true
if @drag!
if INPUT\mouse_up!
@drag\set false
delta = INPUT\mouse_delta!
delta.x = 0 if live_x
delta.y = 0 if live_y
pos += delta
@set pos
delta = last and pos - last
return delta and delta\len2! > 0 and delta
line: (frm, to) =>
input.point @frm, frm
input.point @to, to
frm, to = @frm!, @to!
@set :frm, :to
draw.line frm, to
arrow: (frm, to) =>
input.point @frm, frm
input.point @to, to
frm, to = @frm!, @to!
@set :frm, :to
draw.arrow frm, to
rect: do
meta = size: => @max - @min
meta.__index = meta
(fixed={}) =>
@init setmetatable {}, meta
delta = input.point @min, fixed.min or Once random.point! * 0.8
input.point @max, fixed.max or Once @min! + random.size!
@max\set @max! + delta if delta
min, max = @min!, @max!
draw.rect min, max
self = @get!
self.min, self.max = min, max
circle: (fixed={}) =>
local tangent
delta = input.point @center, fixed.center
radius = (is_live fixed.radius) or do
radius = (is_once fixed.radius) or math.random! * 100 + 50
init_tangent = vec2.from_cartesian radius, math.random! * 2 * math.pi
input.point @tangent, fixed.tangent or Once @center! + init_tangent
tangent = @tangent!
radius = @center!\dist tangent
radius, tangent
if delta and tangent
@tangent\set @tangent! + delta
center, tangent = @center!, @tangent!
draw.circle center, radius
@set { :center, :tangent, :radius }
selection: (pattern) =>
-- @TOOD: fix
@init {o,o for o in *SESSION.objects when match and o.name\match init}
selection = @!
index = {o,i for i,o in ipairs selection}
to_remove = {}
for obj in *SESSION.objects
selected = index[obj]
if selected
draw.cross obj.pos
-- obj\draw 'line', orng
if obj\hit! == 'down'
if selected
table.insert to_remove, selected
table.insert selection, obj
table.sort to_remove
for i=#to_remove,1,-1
table.remove selection, to_remove[i]
op =
move: pushpop (obj, to) ->
draw.arrow obj.pos, to
lg.setColor .8, .8, 0
copy = obj\copy!
copy.pos = to
obj.pos = to
add: pushpop (pos, size) ->
tmp = Object pos, size
lg.setColor 0, .8, 0
table.insert SESSION.objects, tmp
remove: pushpop (obj) ->
lg.setColor .8, 0, 0
copy = obj\copy!
SESSION.objects = [o for o in *SESSION.objects when o != obj]
copy: pushpop (obj, pos) ->
lg.setColor 0, .8, 0
copy = obj\copy!
copy.pos = pos
table.insert SESSION.objects, copy